COVID-19 has demonstrated the importance of technological communication, synchronisation, collaboration, and protection. The extenuating circumstances has led to a wave of virtual working environments. Programs and tools that support collaboration regardless of locality like Microsoft 365 & Teams are crucial for businesses to succeed and remain competitive.
However, despite Microsoft Office 365 documents and files being stored online (in the cloud), they are still susceptible to the same threats as your physical documents as an estimated 76% of these files are not being backed up (Veeam 2021). This is where ASE and Veeam can help back up your Microsoft 365 & Team’s data online using our new feature, Office 365 Backup.
In this article, we will step you through the seven reasons why it is crucial to back up your Office 365 data.
Access for FREE the “7 Critical Reasons for Office365 Backup” whitepaper.
Work with ASE to set up and run a backup job with Veeam for Office 365 so that you can protect all your data in one place.
Step 1: Setup an Office 365 backup job
Step 2: Create a new backup group for Microsoft Office 365 and Teams.
Step 3: Add a protected location.
Next, as with every Veeam backup job you create, you have the choice of where to store your backup data. Here is where you can choose between many options available such as Azure or on-premises storage locations, this is where we can help. ASE provides tech support and services to set up your company for success.
If you would like to learn more about data backup, protection, and recovery, we encourage you to call us at +61 2 9008 2338 or email [new_window_button width=”700″ height=”700″ text=”Download PDF” url=””]